Monday 28 May 2012

Marion Still & Jane Smith

This email was received at 19.29.
The following email has been sent to you by:
The Financial Times" <> wrote: 
Message: You're crackers!  Leave Marion Still alone, or you'll wind up in a lawsuit!
  • A generation waiting to play havoc with company security.
That is an appropriate message, bearing in mind that all technological records of the existence of Michael M. Mauldin had been removed from US government and university records. Yet, Marion Still did not make sure that the police carried out a thorough investigation into the situation and the 'criminal act' that had taken place. 

So this was our response to Marion Still's messenger and to Marion, via her messenger. 
The duo of Marion and Jane, was predicted with the recent new moon in gemini. 

Ever heard of the UN Declaration of Human rights Article 19? 

I recommend that you read it. 


"Everyone as the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions, without interference, and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media, and regardless of frontiers.".

Marion Still did not call for a complete police investigation of why Michael Mauldin does not exist in any government records anywhere.

How could the police close the case on a man that does not exist?

Marion has 24 hours, I shall then begin the youtube campaign.

The Still family, cannot do to me what they did to Michael.

They had no idea who they were taking on, when Marion did not keep her word to Michael or me.

You see I have it all in writing. All the evidence. 1,000’s of emails.

Happy to see you in court if necessary. I have plenty to share with the press as well.

It would be great for this story and all of its details to be covered by the international media.

To expose how some Americans (and what Michael called the 'state siders) behave.

Ever heard of the word ‘integrity?’

Marion wrote to me telling me that she would keep me fully informed. She never did.

She said that she would consult me on Michael’s things. She never did.

I asked her to return my personal belongings from Michael’s house.

She never did.

Who is on the side of right here?

I AM, I stand with Michael and justice will be done in his name and the name of the LORD God.

PS Marion, If you stood in integrity, you would have the guts to contact me and speak to me yourself, and you have the audacity to call yourself a Christian. Shame on you.

Clearly, you have no intention of contacting me, so the youtube campaign to expose the truth shall begin without prejudice. Michael and I, did not go through what we went through together, for this case to be swept under the carpet.

You see the difference between you and I Marion, is that justice and truth, is more important than money. Michael was the same. Justice and integrity was everything to him, and that is why he loved me so much. He saw this brilliant light of love that truly stood in integrity. 

c.c. A copy of this has been sent to a friend in the USA, to ensure everything is documented in multiple places. Just like Michael taught me. You see the difference between you and I, is that I can stand in the light of truth dauntlessly. 

It is no coincidence that this is the 26th post on this blog, because 26 is the Hebrew gematria value of the name of God. The LORD God is with the light of truth Michael, justice will be done and your will be carried out. 


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