Monday 13 June 2011


I know that I haven't made any posts recently to Michael's blog. However, he is not forgotten and nor shall he ever be. We often mention him and his work on our other blog.

However, today, there as been news about the American police and I found their quote ironic under the circumstances. Radio presenters in the USA refused the call to help with this case, and so as a New York solicitor. A solicitor that is bringing a class action suit against Harold Camping. However, the report is that Harold Camping as now had a stroke, inconvenient timing for the solicitor involved in the case.

How did they refuse to help? They completely ignored the mail that we sent to them and they wonder why the USA suffers.

Here is the quote from the 'Angel news report'. It does remind me of Rev 17 and 18 that is about the USA.

"It may also raise further questions for law enforcement officials who have defended their response by pointing out that all information about crimes must be investigated."

Well that's a laugh they refused to investigate the death of Michael M Mauldin.

How could they close a case on a man that did not exist in any government records anywhere? 

We will not let this case rest until justice is done for Michael, this month is the first anniversary of his death. 

The spiritual law of cause and effect can be heavy going can't it Georgia.

As the Son of God said 'The measure that you give will be the measure that you receive' that's karma for you and the people cannot escape it.

Justice will be done for Michael, no matter how long it takes.

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