Wednesday 29 September 2010

Michael Mauldin's Heart

It really is time that the police force in the USA catch up with science and how stress over long periods of TIME impacts on the heart and can be the CORE issue that creates the DEATH. Of course the root cause is to do with the perpetrator that caused Michael so much STRESS. 

It is a well known scientific FACT that anger is the biggest predictor of heart disease. So was Michael angry with those that had caused him all that stress for years? Of course he was, wouldn't you be?

How would you feel if you could not access your own MONEY that you had INVESTED during your working life?

How would you feel if people were setting FIRE to your properties, BREAKING into them and making threatening phone calls? How would you feel if the police and fire departments never investigated it?

How would you feel if all of your records were eradicated so that you did not exist?

How would you feel if there was a CONSPIRACY against you that you knew could be the DEATH of you?

How would you feel in ISOLATION  from the world in such a manner that you were kept in the state of a beggar when you had assets beyond measure?

How would you feel if your services were continually being CUT OFF due to a lack of finance to pay for them? How would you feel if every time those services were cut off you had no connection with the outside would? How would you feel if your CREDIT CARD was CANCELLED and then they would not give you another one or reinstate it unless you could prove you exist?

Who CANCELLED Michael's CREDIT CARD just before the trip to FLORIDA? When they knew I was coming to help him? 

Who intercepted his mail when I sent him money? There was only one person who knew that money was being sent.

It is well known by the medical profession that 85% of all disease is stress related. In my professional life I haven't met a doctor yet that denies it.

I recommend that the police force and anyone reading this blog studies the scientific research from the cutting edge scientific institute of HEARTMATH. 

"How do stress and different emotional states affect the autonomic nervous system, the hormonal and immune systems, the heart and brain? Over the years we have experimented with different psychological and physiological measures, but it was consistently heart rate variability, or heart rhythms, that stood out as the most dynamic and reflective of inner emotional states and STRESS.  It became clear that negative emotions lead to increased DISORDER in the heart’s rhythms and in the autonomic nervous system, thereby adversely affecting the rest of the body. In contrast, positive emotions create increased harmony and coherence in heart rhythms and improve balance in the nervous system. The health implications are easy to understand: Disharmony in the nervous system leads to inefficiency and increased stress on the heart and other organs while harmonious rhythms are more efficient and less stressful to the body’s systems."

Stress, Health and Performance

"People have long been aware of the connection between STRESS,  mental and emotional attitudes, physiological health and overall well-being. However, in recent years, a growing body of compelling evidence is bringing these crucial relationships to the forefront of the scientific arena. Scientific research now tells us plainly that ANGER,  ANXIETY and WORRY significantly increase the risk of heart disease, including SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH.  Landmark long-term studies conducted by Dr. Hans Eysenck and colleagues at the University of London have shown that chronic unmanaged emotional stress is as much as six times more predictive of cancer and heart disease than cigarette smoking, cholesterol level or blood pressure, and much more responsive to intervention. 

"The onset of  EXHAUSTON depends upon the interplay between the initial condition of one’s defenses and the magnitude and rate of the STRESSORS  that challenge one’s coping skills and adaptive capacity (Figure 5). Up to a point, regeneration can be achieved by rest and relaxation, but beyond that point the individual embarks on an ENDURING DOWNHILL  course of  DECLINE in performance and health. In other words, the top of the curve represents the dividing line between healthy function and reversible fatigue on the upslope, and the self-perpetuating depletion of health and performance on the downslope."

For more information on the Science of the Heart. Please see Heartmath's website with full scientific research documentation.  [1]

Over a three year period I have a mass of emails from Michael expressing the impact of how the life circumstances created by others were impacting on him. 

The simple fact of the matter is that if Michael had not been eradicated from all records, and if he had full access to his own investment portfolio, he would still be alive today, selling his assets and living his dreams. Bear in mind that Michael lived most of his working life in the USA and he was a soldier. He was strong, a very strong man indeed, he had to be, to live through what he lived through. However, who could go through what he went through over a long period of years and survive it, without any impact on his health? 


Please do not give me any excuses! 

This case is very serious indeed, it is international with international implications. 


Tuesday 28 September 2010


As a friend said to me last week do you know how difficult it is to eradicate government records completely so that a person does not exist anywhere?

We discussed how Michael wrote that all of his records have been eliminated including his university records. Some say that only those working at a high level in the government would have the ability to do it. Michael said that the perpetrator is a professor and as we know agents are usually enlisted while at university.

Espionage indeed!

Michael had known her and her family since she was a small child, from the days when they lived in Africa. From what Michael showed me and what she had written to Michael in the past, she was definitely a 'man hater' and she was the death of him. She was managing Michael's investment portfolio and as such she had Michael completely under her control. By eradicating Michael's records and not letting him have access to the money that was his, the following is the result.


There must be a trial and justice be done.

Michael also wrote how she and her friends also had the use of Michael's property in Canada. He asked her to send him the keys, his passport, other things. He wrote to me and told me, that she told him that she wasn't going to Canada due to her travels in the Far East. Michael was doing his best to retrieve his property asset in Canada.

In Michael's emails he names three people that had access to his property in Canada. He also states that it has been empty since November 2008. He also mentions how one of those people travelled between Florida, UK and Canada.

This is an international case with international implications.

Monday 27 September 2010


The final nail in the coffin was when the Marietta police did not carry out a full investigation. How can the POLICE  close a case without knowing the GOVERNMENT records of the man that was found dead ? How can the police close a case on a man that did not exist anywhere due to what others had done to him?

What does that tell you about the MARIETTA police?

MICHAEL was RIGHT all the TIME. 

Now it is up to US and the MEDIA to ensure JUSTICE is done.

I am happy to provide the media with every piece of evidence that I have, written by Michael himself.

For the sake of Michael, justice and the INTEGRITY of the USA. 

The WORLD is WATCHING.......


After Michael chose me to COLLABORATE with, he began to share his story and how he came to be in the mess that he was.

Michael had inherited a lot from others that loved him and that didn't only include property assets, he inherited antiques, a vast library of books from professors and others in academia. He even inherited their wine cellar and their cats. It was very important to him that those books were kept together as a whole, due to the sheer academic investment that others had given to him for safe keeping. A legacy for humanity if you will.

Michael had business properties that he gave me the addresses for, just in case anything untoward happened to him. From Michael's perspective he was in A WAR against corporate America because there were people that were doing their WORST to drive him out of COBB COUNTY. 

He wrote to me about the DAMAGE that had been done to his properties in the past and how neither the police or the fire department had investigated it. The home where he lived, (inherited from his aunt) had also been broken into, the wine cellar that he inherited was destroyed. 

It made no sense to Michael that people would rampantly destroy VINTAGE wines instead of just take them to drink.

In the beginning, Michael was adamant about staying in his aunt's home, because he made it clear that some of his property portfolio was in the way of major corporate developments. He felt that by staying in the house and not selling his properties in Cobb County, like ISRAEL, he was the LAST FRONTIER against corporate America that were doing their utmost to drive him out.

He also reportedly received many threatening phone calls over a long period of time.

Now another reason he was adamant was that a particular man that shall not be named at this POINT.  Owned a MULTI-MILLION dollar CONSTRUCTION company as well as other companies in Cobb County. He wrote that company did most of the construction works in Cobb County. From Michael's perspective the man that owned the construction company was his ultimate enemy,  and had the most to gain from his demise. He was intent on fighting him and his family to the death if necessary. Michael made no secret of it, he plastered it all over the internet for years for this purpose. He made sure that there were many WITNESSES, to how he felt, his INTENTIONS about those that he perceived had hurt him.

So you may well ask why haven't the police in COBB COUNTY responded to our emails? Who is in COLLABORATION with who in Cobb County?

When Michael began to share all of this with me, I advised him that life is short and it was better to sell up and live out his last days in the sunshine. I did my best to INSPIRE him that it was TIME to see his BELOVED Africa again, be free and GIVE UP the PAIN and SUFFERING that he had endured.

Due to Michael's TRUST, LOVE and RESPECT for me, he began to consider it, he began to think of dreams again, seeing beloved Africa again,  and work to that end. He started to PLAN and do the LEGAL work to make it POSSIBLE for him to LIVE LIFE again.

However, as we have SHARED on the previous post, once his enemies got wind of it,  the POSITIVE impact our collaboration was having on him,  they did their utmost to stop him fulfilling his wishes and dreams.

I trusted that everything that he shared and wrote to me was TRUE, and I was committed to helping him, I had no attachment to outcomes.  I viewed it that the LORD himself had brought Michael into my life for his DIVINE PURPOSE, as Michael used to say, to the ONE, that he called his MORAL COMPASS, together always. 

As he wrote in 2009, 'I love you, I have always loved you, and always will'. 

Do it all for love and justice will done.


Sunday 26 September 2010


In the last post we shared with you how when people found out that I was going to fly to the USA to meet with Michael his credit card was cancelled in April 2008. However, that did not stop me going. I knew it was IMPORTANT and I knew it was VERY URGENT. 

When I arrived in Florida he was STILL DOING all he could to raise the money for the trip to come to Florida to share some time with me while I was in the USA. When I spoke to him and found out he was having difficulty I sent him $100 in the post. However, he had already left Marietta and I don't remember him ever confirming whether that cash arrived.

During the trip I purchased a mobile phone for him so that if his phone/internet service was ever CUT OFF again he had access to communication in an EMERGENCY.  However, he had never used a mobile phone before and sometimes Michael stubbornly refused to apply himself to NEW REALITIES. 

Also he required a phone receipt to be able to use it after it ran out. So I accessed the name of a local store where he could get them.

After I returned from FLORIDA, his services were being cut off again. So I paid his ENERGY bill and if my memory SERVES me well it was about $365. 

I also sent him $50 and later on another $100.  Email dated the 23rd of June 2008, in reply to his email tells him the money is on its way, in other words it has been sent. However, that money never reached him. His post was being INTERCEPTED and there was only one person that knew that I was sending that money to him that week.

After the money was intercepted it was made clear that no matter how much I tried to help him something or someone was standing in the way of the practical help that he required. So I then contacted a few guys in the USA to enlist their help. They did not respond. 

He did not have any bank accounts in the USA, so I could not even TRANSFER FUNDS to him when his services were being cut off. His services were continually being cut off from when he first came into my life in 2007, right up to the date of his death.

After we joined forces,  TEAM FOR JUSTICE he received a pittance from those that had control of his investment portfolio. They were not responding to his emails and when they did a barrage of excuses were given that they were out of the country. Month after month he would wait for responses to his emails about his own money. So then he was doing his utmost legally to change things so that he could access his portfolio and by pass the person that had been handling it on his behalf.

Michael died in a house without service from those that could have helped him urgently.  I have been informed that he had been dead for three weeks before he was found. He called out for help to the one local person that he knew in North America that could have helped him, they did not do so, by their own admittance.

Nor did that one person inform me that he had called her for help. However, she had no problem emailing me with weekly and monthly updates when her daughter had cancer. Michael could not let me know he was in trouble again because he had no internet service.

So on top of the 'Constructive Manslaughter' carried out by the person handling his investment portfolio, and their criminal act of erasing Michael's records. There is also the matter of 'Criminal Negligence' that is legally termed as a result of 'wanton disregard for human life'. So shall we go for the third charge as well being that this is the year of three?  'Corporate Manslaughter'. 

So please give me no excuses!

Do it all for love and justice will be done.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Woodworm or Wormwood?

Michael Mauldin when he was a public school boy. 

There was a time in my life when antiques were my passion and I enjoyed restoring them. I knew how to get rid of the wood worms so that the classical furniture could last for many more centuries.  Of course wood worms like to live in the density of the woods, sadly, they have to be removed because if they damage the wood of the trees, then the wonderful inheritance left for humanity is destroyed.

So take a look at the first response from a website called 'Israel Insider' to the 'who-dun-it' post and who has reared their head, they go by the name of Tricia. Also bear in mind that someone changed Michael's words on his profile on that site since he passed over. So there has been a lot of tampering going on. I was not the only person that saw the words before they were removed. The night before I had shared the link on skype with a dear friend in the USA. 

"Nope. Sorry to spoil your "mystery", but there is no mystery. I know the story from his closest friend in all the world, a friend of his mother's."

Our response to her on the Israel Insider website. 

"We agree there is no mystery because I have the documented truth written in his words. His intentions, everything. If the police do not open the case of Constuctive Manslaughter then I will do his will and make sure that everything is published. He invested in the only person that could not be bought. His love was not for sale and he knew that mine wasn't either. That is why he chose to reveal the truth to me.

Tricia, I have the evidence in his hand and I will expose it to the world if justice isn't done in his name.

I have all the information of how he felt about the friend of his mothers and she knows that I do. I have names, addresses, telephones, company names. The lot. The friend of his mother's walked straight into the trap he left for her. Sad, but true.

He gave her strict instructions that if anything ever happened to him, she was to contact me immediately. However, she did not do so. So she walked straight into the trap that he left for her. He did it purposely, because he knew she would not carry out his wishes. He was a very clever man and he knew that there was only one person in the world that he could trust to do their best to make sure that justice was done.

However, there is a much bigger fish to fry then the friend of his mothers. The perpetrator of the crime of constructive manslaughter must be brought to justice. I am in contact with the police at the moment. If justice isn't done then the friend of his mother's and the police leave me no option but to expose the whole truth to the world." 

Now what is interesting is that when Michael first started to take an interest in me,  I received an email from a Tracy (USA) who I did not know. The email was so derogatory that I filed it in my legal file. 

She was warning me to stay away from a man, and she wrote "You are reaching beyond where you are funded to grow". "You are fortunate to have a stranger whom you will never meet give you a heads up. I hope you can accept it and use it to wake up exponentially NOW."

At the time I did not connect it with Michael at all, in fact, I contacted another male friend in the USA and asked him if he knew someone with the name of the email? Were these people following Michael and us around constantly? 

Now what is interesting is, why did she use the word FUNDED and GROW?  Is it because she knew that Michael was wealthy and had a financial investment portfolio that was growing before I did?  Did she know that he planned to lay most of his property assets at the feet of an outsider who did God's work?  Did she know that if people had given him his own money, or if people with money had helped him then he would be free and alive today? 

Why did she say "A stranger whom you will never meet?" Did she know what Michael's intentions were for his estate during his life? Did they know that he was already doing all the legal paperwork to transfer most of his assets because Michael had no interest in money and wished to save on taxes?  He just wished to be free of captivity. 

Were people actively involved in doing their utmost to keep Michael and I apart over money? Why would they do their best to keep Michael and I apart? Is it because I was a healer and spiritual psychologist that could help Michael to heal and live happily ever after? 

Is that why his credit card was cancelled when they found out we were looking for flights? Were they banking on the fact that I would not go to the USA unless Michael paid for it? 

I certainly did meet Michael because it was the will of God for me to do so, I also had to have a meeting with spiritual elders in Florida to give them the heads up about what was going to happen to the USA. That's why we were together in Florida and not Marietta. 

I was sent to the USA by God for business, rest and pleasure, it was while I was in Israel in 2007, that Abba told me that the next mission would be to the USA. It was recorded at New York airport on entry with my fingerprints, that I was there on business and pleasure. 

Michael certainly did give me the heads up before I even met him. He made his intentions very clear and gave me the information that was required to ensure that justice was done if anything ever happened to him.

I did accept what Michael said and wrote because to me he was a man of integrity, and true to his word that there were no strings attached. If it is God's will then this case will help to wake people up exponentially to how far people are willing to go, to keep the status quo of people in captivity of the never ending cycles. 

Now have we found a worm? Is Tricia otherwise known as Tracy Gates? The name of the woman that wrote the email? Have certain people instigated a whole strategic campaign to stop Michael fulfilling his dreams to heal in the sunshine, to see Africa again and be free of his enemies? 

The conspiracy against me on USA conspiracy forums is all starting to make sense. They did their utmost to break me. However, in the power of God, I am alive and kicking. 

Do it all for love and justice will done.




19.22 25.09.2010 GMT

The Israelinsider forum where Michael invited me in to join him in 2010, obviously did not wish to hear Michael's truth.  So they have suspended our account. We have emailed them to ask for a reason. If there is silence you then know the reason why. As the Christ once said 'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world".

What a clever man he was, he was so aware of all the people that were involved in this travesty of justice. However, as we have already shared,  someone had changed the words Michael wrote on his original profile before I was able to print it out.  He wrote 'NO FAMILY' and those words were removed the day after I sent a link to Israelinsider by email to the woman who was a friend of his mother.

Fortunately, I have a print out of the rest of his profile that he put up that also relates to me. Little did they know, the rest of his profile that he wrote was written in code for me, a code that both he and I understood, I have the evidence to prove it. We had our own language and way to communicate and Michael left many messages for me that he knew that I would understand. He wrote, what he wrote, just in case those that stood against him did their worst. Michael always knew that I would act upon his messages and instructions immediately, if anything ever happened to him.

Israelinsider, you've just been busted by the great man himself. HE vowed, that if he went down he would take you all with him.

Friday 24 September 2010

Michael Mauldin Found Her

We do know the whole story and who-dun-it. However, we are not going to reveal it all on this blog in one go because we are still hoping the police will open a criminal investigation. They have not replied to our email that was sent yesterday, yet!

Michael found himself in an untenable position due to others that he had cared deeply about in the past. Michael was desperately searching for a way out of the darkness and life threatening silence. Yet, there was nobody alive that he could trust fully. In addition, he was absolutely adamant that those that had assisted his demise would not win at the end of the day. His other motto was 'Let our enemies do their worst, we will do our best'.

In 2007, he made a conscious decision to find someone that he could trust with his story of the crime, the intrigue and what had happened to him. How this man who was very rich, by most peoples standards,  in so many ways, came to be in the position that he was.

He could be a very stubborn man. However,  his understanding of people,  their motives and intentions was beyond most peoples comprehension. Due to his extensive life experience in many different countries and universities, what he was able to share was unsurpassed, during the years we were blessed to share. In fact, I will be very surprised if I ever meet anyone like him again. A man who had devoted his life to justice, and the one that represented justice to him.

While he was searching for the right person, a Lady flowed in on a river of love and a rainbow of hope. He watched her, what she wrote, how she moved and how she behaved. He also noticed how others responded or reacted to her. At that point she was not aware that he was watching and taking in her every move and word. He was recording everything. Michael had a very important reason for following her, that she was not aware of at that time. Until, the day came when he made his intentions fully known.

Like a bell ringing to come for lunch, he could see the bridge that was his way out of the darkness of the extreme and stressful situation that had been created for him. He stepped on that bridge of peace and she was there to greet him in her arms that were ever open to help others. He decided that she was the one that he could trust fully with his life story. He chose her for her integrity, purity of purpose, compassion and  mercy. He knew that she would not judge him but would seek to understand how the whole mess had been created in the first place. In hindsight, the real connection was made between them when they were discussing Plato's Cave in depth, in public together.

As a dear friend said 'It would make an incredible film". It certainly would, the truth would also make an incredible basis for a crime novel, and I mentioned the story to a writer who has been thinking about writing one.

There are ways and means in which we can preserve Michael's memory and what he suffered at the hands of others. A crime that was carried out was instrumental in the cause of his ultimate death, the legal term is called 'Constructive Manslaughter.'

His love was and is not in vain.

Of course if no action is taken to bring justice about, then we will start publishing names on the world wide web and through the media that can pick up the story and run with it.

I was Michael's investment in truth and justice and I will do my best to see that justice is done in the name of love. When all was said and done, he retained his faith in the one person that understood him and where he was coming from.  He retained his faith in justice and that it will be done. He prepared for the worst just in case. He did not manage to break free in time to live his dream and the perpetrator must be brought to trial.  Hence, why this blog exists for him and the truth that he shared.


Thursday 23 September 2010


Why aren't the police doing their job properly? Why didn't they check Michael's records? Why did the police not find out what Michael told me, he does not exist in any government records? He said all his records have been erased, even his university records.

Is that not suspicious circumstances?


As I understand it Michael's essential services were all cut off before he died, why are the police not asking why?


If the police don't re-open the case following the receipt of our email today.

They then leave us no other option but to go to the media.

We are taking media advice right now in preparation.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

No strings attached.....

Michael Mauldin used to say he's an outsider not a states sider. During his career, he defended the African American community and the poor from the oppression of others. He used to say that he had the soul of the black man.

Being an outsider can be more powerful because you're standing against the machine. You're standing against corruption wherever it may be found. Governments are involved in what is known as 'Constructive Manslaughter' of the poor. Keep the pressure on with the henchmen, keep them in poverty long enough and those that are not evolved will eventually die of the stress of it. The medical profession are well aware that 85% of all disease is stress related. When governments, financial institutions,  or people do not give you back your own money that you have paid in for a rainy day. It is a crime and a transgression of the spiritual law of God. It is constructive manslaughter. 

When Michael truly loved you, he loved you unconditionally. There were NO STRINGS ATTACHED and he made that very clear. He loved those that defended the poor, he loved those that defended and loved his blessed Africa. He loved the truly righteous. I was blessed to be one with him in our defense of Israel, in our defense of the poor, sick and homeless. In our encouragement and dream for Africa and the rest of the world to be free of poverty. 

We were blessed to share our hearts and where we were coming from. We were one together standing against the machine of oppression and those that do not give others the right to exist. 

His love was not for sale and he knew that mine wasn't either. Due to Michael's academic background he understood people well. He could see the light of righteous divine love because it shone for him in a way that most of humanity do not understand. 

We loved unconditionally and we took compassionate action to help each other and others whenever we could do so. I hope that our relationship and the way that we were can inspire others to also love unconditionally. We did it all for love, we did if all for you, and we are still doing so, together as one. 

Michael's memory and good works will be preserved forever. 

Forever in our hearts....


Sunday 19 September 2010

Michael Mauldin

Michael M Mauldin of Marietta, Atlanta, Georgia passed away on the 26th of June 2010. This blog is to preserve his memory and in honor of him. Justice will indeed be done. The blog will also share the story as it is unveiled.

Michael left strict instructions that if anything ever happened to him I was to be told immediately. His instructions were not carried out as requested. Everything he said and wrote is documented. If the police do not do their job properly then we will engage the press to act.

August 29, 1952 - June 26, 2010. 

 'Blessed is he that leaves by the back door'. Holy Mother

Love beyond measure Michael