Wednesday 22 September 2010

No strings attached.....

Michael Mauldin used to say he's an outsider not a states sider. During his career, he defended the African American community and the poor from the oppression of others. He used to say that he had the soul of the black man.

Being an outsider can be more powerful because you're standing against the machine. You're standing against corruption wherever it may be found. Governments are involved in what is known as 'Constructive Manslaughter' of the poor. Keep the pressure on with the henchmen, keep them in poverty long enough and those that are not evolved will eventually die of the stress of it. The medical profession are well aware that 85% of all disease is stress related. When governments, financial institutions,  or people do not give you back your own money that you have paid in for a rainy day. It is a crime and a transgression of the spiritual law of God. It is constructive manslaughter. 

When Michael truly loved you, he loved you unconditionally. There were NO STRINGS ATTACHED and he made that very clear. He loved those that defended the poor, he loved those that defended and loved his blessed Africa. He loved the truly righteous. I was blessed to be one with him in our defense of Israel, in our defense of the poor, sick and homeless. In our encouragement and dream for Africa and the rest of the world to be free of poverty. 

We were blessed to share our hearts and where we were coming from. We were one together standing against the machine of oppression and those that do not give others the right to exist. 

His love was not for sale and he knew that mine wasn't either. Due to Michael's academic background he understood people well. He could see the light of righteous divine love because it shone for him in a way that most of humanity do not understand. 

We loved unconditionally and we took compassionate action to help each other and others whenever we could do so. I hope that our relationship and the way that we were can inspire others to also love unconditionally. We did it all for love, we did if all for you, and we are still doing so, together as one. 

Michael's memory and good works will be preserved forever. 

Forever in our hearts....


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