Wednesday 29 September 2010

Michael Mauldin's Heart

It really is time that the police force in the USA catch up with science and how stress over long periods of TIME impacts on the heart and can be the CORE issue that creates the DEATH. Of course the root cause is to do with the perpetrator that caused Michael so much STRESS. 

It is a well known scientific FACT that anger is the biggest predictor of heart disease. So was Michael angry with those that had caused him all that stress for years? Of course he was, wouldn't you be?

How would you feel if you could not access your own MONEY that you had INVESTED during your working life?

How would you feel if people were setting FIRE to your properties, BREAKING into them and making threatening phone calls? How would you feel if the police and fire departments never investigated it?

How would you feel if all of your records were eradicated so that you did not exist?

How would you feel if there was a CONSPIRACY against you that you knew could be the DEATH of you?

How would you feel in ISOLATION  from the world in such a manner that you were kept in the state of a beggar when you had assets beyond measure?

How would you feel if your services were continually being CUT OFF due to a lack of finance to pay for them? How would you feel if every time those services were cut off you had no connection with the outside would? How would you feel if your CREDIT CARD was CANCELLED and then they would not give you another one or reinstate it unless you could prove you exist?

Who CANCELLED Michael's CREDIT CARD just before the trip to FLORIDA? When they knew I was coming to help him? 

Who intercepted his mail when I sent him money? There was only one person who knew that money was being sent.

It is well known by the medical profession that 85% of all disease is stress related. In my professional life I haven't met a doctor yet that denies it.

I recommend that the police force and anyone reading this blog studies the scientific research from the cutting edge scientific institute of HEARTMATH. 

"How do stress and different emotional states affect the autonomic nervous system, the hormonal and immune systems, the heart and brain? Over the years we have experimented with different psychological and physiological measures, but it was consistently heart rate variability, or heart rhythms, that stood out as the most dynamic and reflective of inner emotional states and STRESS.  It became clear that negative emotions lead to increased DISORDER in the heart’s rhythms and in the autonomic nervous system, thereby adversely affecting the rest of the body. In contrast, positive emotions create increased harmony and coherence in heart rhythms and improve balance in the nervous system. The health implications are easy to understand: Disharmony in the nervous system leads to inefficiency and increased stress on the heart and other organs while harmonious rhythms are more efficient and less stressful to the body’s systems."

Stress, Health and Performance

"People have long been aware of the connection between STRESS,  mental and emotional attitudes, physiological health and overall well-being. However, in recent years, a growing body of compelling evidence is bringing these crucial relationships to the forefront of the scientific arena. Scientific research now tells us plainly that ANGER,  ANXIETY and WORRY significantly increase the risk of heart disease, including SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH.  Landmark long-term studies conducted by Dr. Hans Eysenck and colleagues at the University of London have shown that chronic unmanaged emotional stress is as much as six times more predictive of cancer and heart disease than cigarette smoking, cholesterol level or blood pressure, and much more responsive to intervention. 

"The onset of  EXHAUSTON depends upon the interplay between the initial condition of one’s defenses and the magnitude and rate of the STRESSORS  that challenge one’s coping skills and adaptive capacity (Figure 5). Up to a point, regeneration can be achieved by rest and relaxation, but beyond that point the individual embarks on an ENDURING DOWNHILL  course of  DECLINE in performance and health. In other words, the top of the curve represents the dividing line between healthy function and reversible fatigue on the upslope, and the self-perpetuating depletion of health and performance on the downslope."

For more information on the Science of the Heart. Please see Heartmath's website with full scientific research documentation.  [1]

Over a three year period I have a mass of emails from Michael expressing the impact of how the life circumstances created by others were impacting on him. 

The simple fact of the matter is that if Michael had not been eradicated from all records, and if he had full access to his own investment portfolio, he would still be alive today, selling his assets and living his dreams. Bear in mind that Michael lived most of his working life in the USA and he was a soldier. He was strong, a very strong man indeed, he had to be, to live through what he lived through. However, who could go through what he went through over a long period of years and survive it, without any impact on his health? 


Please do not give me any excuses! 

This case is very serious indeed, it is international with international implications. 


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