Monday 27 September 2010


After Michael chose me to COLLABORATE with, he began to share his story and how he came to be in the mess that he was.

Michael had inherited a lot from others that loved him and that didn't only include property assets, he inherited antiques, a vast library of books from professors and others in academia. He even inherited their wine cellar and their cats. It was very important to him that those books were kept together as a whole, due to the sheer academic investment that others had given to him for safe keeping. A legacy for humanity if you will.

Michael had business properties that he gave me the addresses for, just in case anything untoward happened to him. From Michael's perspective he was in A WAR against corporate America because there were people that were doing their WORST to drive him out of COBB COUNTY. 

He wrote to me about the DAMAGE that had been done to his properties in the past and how neither the police or the fire department had investigated it. The home where he lived, (inherited from his aunt) had also been broken into, the wine cellar that he inherited was destroyed. 

It made no sense to Michael that people would rampantly destroy VINTAGE wines instead of just take them to drink.

In the beginning, Michael was adamant about staying in his aunt's home, because he made it clear that some of his property portfolio was in the way of major corporate developments. He felt that by staying in the house and not selling his properties in Cobb County, like ISRAEL, he was the LAST FRONTIER against corporate America that were doing their utmost to drive him out.

He also reportedly received many threatening phone calls over a long period of time.

Now another reason he was adamant was that a particular man that shall not be named at this POINT.  Owned a MULTI-MILLION dollar CONSTRUCTION company as well as other companies in Cobb County. He wrote that company did most of the construction works in Cobb County. From Michael's perspective the man that owned the construction company was his ultimate enemy,  and had the most to gain from his demise. He was intent on fighting him and his family to the death if necessary. Michael made no secret of it, he plastered it all over the internet for years for this purpose. He made sure that there were many WITNESSES, to how he felt, his INTENTIONS about those that he perceived had hurt him.

So you may well ask why haven't the police in COBB COUNTY responded to our emails? Who is in COLLABORATION with who in Cobb County?

When Michael began to share all of this with me, I advised him that life is short and it was better to sell up and live out his last days in the sunshine. I did my best to INSPIRE him that it was TIME to see his BELOVED Africa again, be free and GIVE UP the PAIN and SUFFERING that he had endured.

Due to Michael's TRUST, LOVE and RESPECT for me, he began to consider it, he began to think of dreams again, seeing beloved Africa again,  and work to that end. He started to PLAN and do the LEGAL work to make it POSSIBLE for him to LIVE LIFE again.

However, as we have SHARED on the previous post, once his enemies got wind of it,  the POSITIVE impact our collaboration was having on him,  they did their utmost to stop him fulfilling his wishes and dreams.

I trusted that everything that he shared and wrote to me was TRUE, and I was committed to helping him, I had no attachment to outcomes.  I viewed it that the LORD himself had brought Michael into my life for his DIVINE PURPOSE, as Michael used to say, to the ONE, that he called his MORAL COMPASS, together always. 

As he wrote in 2009, 'I love you, I have always loved you, and always will'. 

Do it all for love and justice will done.


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